Contributed by: Masnie
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to compare fractions
Students will be able to compare fractions using one-half as reference
SLS Design Map
Learning Flow:
1. Activate Learning
Flipped classroom learning: YouTube video to recap previous lessons on Numerator, Denominator, Equivalent Fractions
On SLS, students are to answer questions and use Geogebra to look at proper fractions using fraction discs and fraction bars:
2. Promote Thinking & Discussion
Teacher to show one-half using magnetic strips and three quarters. Students to identify which fraction in greater and which fraction is smaller.
On SLS, use Interactive Thinking Tool (3 columns) to show the CPA approach - Concrete (Students to use camera function to take a picture of concrete manipulatives using fraction bars), Pictorial (Students to draw 2 fractions), Abstract (Students to write and explain how they compare the 2 fractions)
3. Facilitate Demonstration of Learning
Students create slides in Keynote to present their understanding of comparing fractions. Then, they can record their voice using “Audio Recording” feature to explain their answers.
Files are exported as Movie using Keynote Podcast
4. Monitor & Provide Feedback
Students upload their Keynote Podcast in SLS in Interactive Thinking Tool (1 column)
Students to view Keynote Podcasts upload and give feedback in “Comments” feature in SLS
Teacher to provide feedback in SLS under “Comments” feature in Interactive Thinking Tool